How smoking affects the potency in males: restoration after failure

Today, according to official statistics, in our country smoke 65% of the male population, 90% of them dream of getting rid of this terrible addiction, but we cannot win the battle against nicotine. On average, each person daily smoking 18 cigarettes, that's almost the whole package! Many of them are asking, not simple questions, on reception at the doctor, for example: "Affects whether smoking on the potency?". Clearly, yes.

Smoking and potency

Potency is not a separate function of the organism, one way or another it is located in close contact with many systems of the human body: nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal. Respectively, the healthier the body, the better they work, and the more stable will be the desire and the ability to perform sexual acts.

Even the most expensive, lightweight and high-quality varieties of tobacco are a toxic cocktail for a man. In each cigarette contains more than 4,000 toxic components, and in the smoke, due to exposure to high temperature, is still a thousand more. Most deadly for the body are:

  • resin;
  • benzene;
  • formaldehyde;
  • polonium;
  • acetone;
  • lead;
  • styrene;
  • arsenic.

But, of course, them this list is not limited. Gone are the days when smokers were to honestly believe the tobacco corporations, that exhale carcinogenic smoke not only does not bear any harm, but also useful. Today absolutely all the studies on the influence of nicotine and other derivatives of tobacco to prove that they are fatal for health. Let's see in detail, how smoking affects the potency.

Testosterone and smoking

From the content in the blood of the sex androgens depends largely on a person's appearance and his ability to commit sexual acts. Tobacco smoke a non-smoker person may act as a stimulator to the production of testosterone. The first one-two tightening effect on the pituitary gland, and it gives a command to the enhanced production of all hormones. However, after 1-2 cigarettes this effect changed to the opposite.

With regular smoking in men, the production of testosterone slows down, in comparison with a hair dryer, as well as many other processes: exchange, education, leukocytes, erythrocytes pr In men testosterone meet the testes and adrenal cortex. Regular supply of the blood toxins from the inhaled smoke leads to the fact that these organs lose their productivity and cannot fully perform the function of formation of androgens.

A violation of hormonal background

Smokers lose not only testosterone. The glands of internal secretion, gonads and brain vessels is very sensitive to the level of oxygen in the body and in its lack, which inevitably arises between the lovers of tobacco smoke, have respiratory hunger. Reduces the amount of nutrients that come to them.


Each new cigarette causes a spasm of the blood vessels, the answer to which will be the adrenaline. The high content of stress hormone blocks the secretion of all the others. The body lives in a constant state of readiness for danger and decides that, under these conditions, produce offspring, it is not reasonable, he himself would have survived. The Libido decreases.

All rooms beats for pancreas, insufficient amount of hormones from the pituitary gland can't stimulate it to the reasonable production of insulin, and this increases the risk of diabetes in men, which is threatened not only a loss of erection, but also on the legs. Suffering from the nervous system, this explains the irritability if there is no opportunity to get another dose of nicotine.

The decline in reproductive function

Speaking of which, it affects, whether smoking on potency, impossible to forget and about fertility. Smoking is especially dangerous for those men who are planning to conceive an heir. Not only that, it negatively affects the potency, which itself contributes to the onset of pregnancy, so still suffer from the quality of the sperm. Scientific studies have shown that in male smokers reduces the number of motile sperm in the seminal fluid, almost 50%. As well as decreasing the chance of conception.

Under the influence of nicotine and other components of cigarettes sperm, reduces the level of Protamine, important for fertilization of the egg protein. Broken genetic structure is the male sex drive. This can lead to the conception of children with different pathologies.

Changes in the system of blood circulation

Smoking and the potency of poorly compatible, due to the influence on the circulatory system. Nicotine and other ingredients, once in the blood of men, cause spasm of the capillaries and large arteries, as a result, blood flow is difficult, the heart gets additional load. Drive blood on such narrow channels is much more complicated, it requires a larger number of abbreviations. Yes, and alone is poor in oxygen, that means the heart muscle has to work even faster, so that the cells experienced too strong lack of breath.

Nicotine has the property to attach to the receptors of nerve endings, which stimulates the adrenaline. The number of blood platelets under the influence of carcinogens clump together and form bunches, which can then be the cause of stroke, thrombophlebitis. Broken lipid volume, growing cholesterol.

Smoking causes damage to the walls of the arteries and veins that are lumpy, for such "lumps", and may come atherosclerosis, arising from the fact that these food stamps easily cling like ledges and inside the blood vessels become such such as cave moves with uneven brickwork and rubble.

About the fact that the circulatory system of men suffer this habits easily find out for yourself:

  • Cold fingers and toes in a warm room;
  • humming in the ears and the head;
  • pale, cyanotic skin;
  • slowly vanishing traces from pulling the elastic bands of socks;
  • the slow growth of nails;
  • hair loss.

All this talk about the disorders of the circulation of the blood and lack of oxygen. If you do not pay attention to such manifestations, in the future, all spaces lead to stroke, heart attack, varicose veins, to thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, and possibly even amputation of the limbs.

Complications in the sexual sphere

Smokers have shortness of breath, during sex, when active operations, even can cough up. Clogged tars light is just not time supply the body with oxygen. Such men must be limited in activities, otherwise the erection will disappear. The nerve receptors are not as sensitive to stimuli and damage to the fibers of the nervous system slows down the passage of impulses from the brain to the site-specific fit. For this reason, the excitement slowly gaining its physical incarnation.

The emotional state of the smoker

Cigarettes for the smoker – drug, if into the blood stream after a certain time interval arrives a new batch of stimulants, will begin to experience stress. In addition, the subconscious mind holds a dissatisfaction with myself because of addiction to the dark habit and impotence, do something with it.

Anyone who starts smoking knows about it, how is it harmful and what consequences they can expect in the future. The more informed about this smokers with the experience, no time in varying degrees to experience for yourself all the charm of nicotine addiction. The consciousness of my weak willpower it depresses man, it's killing confidence in their own abilities, provokes outbursts of anger, irritability, bad moods, and for particularly susceptible thing can end depression.

Often on the job as employees fined for smoking in working time or they express their dissatisfaction, colleagues who do not go to the smoking room and believe that they are more productive and productive. Condemning the views of the room the people on the street, in public places or at stops added feelings of guilt and his own "depravity". Often the home can give a moron the smell of cigarettes, the amount spent on their purchase.

Alternative types of smokers

The smoking habit is more rooted in psychology than it is physiological. Addiction to nicotine takes place in a few days, but the old-fashioned way, in a difficult situation, the hand itself stretches to the cigarettes or the temptation to "shoot". So between the men who have decided to eliminate smoking from their lives, many believe that the transition from nicotine cigarettes to alternative means to becoming a successful substitute.

If nature thought that our body is useful to inhale the hot air, she is sure about this took care if by itself. Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes and other compensation to convince a man that it is safe, but scientific studies say the opposite. All substitutes are damaging to health as regular cigarettes, but a little different.

Hookah, electronic cigarettes and a system for heating the tobacco, veip saturation of the blood of substances that should be there:

  • glycerin;
  • chemical flavorings;
  • volatile organic compounds;
  • formaldehyde;
  • nitrogen;
  • carcinogens;
  • heavy metals;
  • nitric oxide;
  • cadmium etc.

The larynx and the lung is constantly exposed to the influences of the high temperature of the inhaled composition, the steam moisture, which can cause Oncology, to support the beginning of tbc. On their background asthma and chronic bronchitis seem to be minimal damage. In addition, not all of the smoking mixture and of the fillers through the proper control and meet the stated by the manufacturer, the composition, if it ever listed.

Restore potency after quitting smoking

With every year the dependence on smoking risk caused by him, the disease becomes higher and higher, still more time will be need a man who will give up to return your body to its original state. There is a mistaken view that after a certain number of years of service or attainment of age, a smoker, no, must give up the cigarettes, otherwise his health will deteriorate.

Yes, at the beginning, in fact, throwing to smoke, a person can begin to more often sick. Constantly attacked carcinogens the body is forced to maintain a high immunity, and with the end of the defense a little weaker and the viruses attack. So many men become bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, seizures, high blood pressure, cough. But this is due to the fact that the body to clean itself and try to, as soon as possible to get rid of the backlog of chemicals and resins.

Already over a month is an all-consuming moments remain in the past and remains only to confirm the improvement:

  1. Sleep will be deeper and more productive;
  2. becomes easier to breathe;
  3. through the normalization of oxygen in the blood and tissues increases muscle strength;
  4. disappear panic, nervousness;
  5. improve erections and libido.
Recovery after smoking

And the most increases inside self-confidence.

Many are afraid to gain weight, but a direct connection "smoking-obesity" no, just many of the men begin to eat more. On the first pores may be a feeling of emptiness, inner tension, discomfort. The most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude and realize that a smoker does not lose anything. In the past resided the potential of the disease, dissatisfaction with himself and the situation with smoking, excessive waste, and in front of him waiting long-awaited freedom.

Normalization of men's health when you quit Smoking

After will fired the last in the life of the man a cigarette, it very quickly will start to notice how it changes his quality of life and improving potency. Literally from the second-third week of orgasms will be brighter, skyrocket your stamina during the sexual act.

If the case is not running strongly, about the restoration of erectile function up to the level of a person who never smoked, drops about half a year. Exactly so much, how many it is necessary the body to clear from the backlog of toxic substances and the "fix" ruined them in the system. It is appropriate at this time, to maybe help:

  • play sports;
  • drink away a course of vitamins;
  • give up alcohol;
  • adequately and fully relax;
  • correctly and balanced to eat;
  • drink cleansing the blood and lungs of the people's potions.

In this approach the toxins faster it leaves the body, begins to fully hormonal, digestive system, normalize blood circulation, increase the tone of the muscles, the blood vessels become smooth and decreases cholesterol levels, comes to calm the nervous system. Efficacy after smoking cessation begins to improve day by day.

No such age or limit, when it is too late to give up the nicotine in their life. Undoubtedly, this process will require at the beginning carefully and conscious relationship to situations, will have to give up the thought provoking encounter with the beer or from communication with Smoking friends, but the result is worth the effort. To usually the style will come back very soon, and the reward for the courage to become a strong erection, male power, high self-esteem and the ability to breathe a full breast.